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Nippers AGM & Presentation Day

Warriewood Surf Life Saving Club NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING for JUNIOR ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Notice is hereby given that the Junior Activities Annual General Meeting of...

Training & Education


Rainbow Beaches – THIS WEEKEND

Are you ready to get your RAINBOW on??!! SUNDAY 03 MARCH This weekend at our club across all patrols and nippers, don't forget to come along...

Club Events

Upcoming Patrols

Wazza News

Annual Club Clean Up & Working Bee

The Annual Club Clean Up and working Bee is scheduled for Sunday 04th August from 8am - 12pm. Volunteers needed to get the club in...

Notice of WSLSC Annual General Meeting

Dear WSLSC Club Members, Notice is hereby given that the 73rd Annual General Meeting of the Warriewood Surf Life Saving Club Inc. will be held...

WSLSC Presentation Night

Get your Glad Rags into gear and get ready for our end of season WSLSC Presentation night! Time to acknowledge our club members contributions...

Rescheduled WSLSC Ocean Swim

  The Rescheduled 2024 Warriewood Ocean Swim (Chieftain’s Challenge) will take place on SUNDAY 05th MAY. Bookings are now open on https://oceanswims.com/event/warriewood-swim/ ($40 per person) or register on-the-day...